Emmy's: The Epilogue

(Photos courtesy of MSN Entertainment).
Something to do on my days off, basically.
(Photos courtesy of MSN Entertainment).
You know, everyone's making such a big deal out of how horrific this dress is, and really... it is. She looks like like she should be attempting a triple lutz jump at the Ice Capades. But she's still banging Nick Lachey, and you're not, so you can kiss her perfectly toned, tan ass. Bitches.
Tracy Gold:
Wow, who thought to invite Peter Pan? This dress is just not flattering on anyone, but Tracy Gold especially. If anyone was going to wear this, it should be... well, Peter Pan. Anyway, it's nice that Tracy Gold was invited to the Emmy's. Anyone know how that might have happened? Because I feel like, if that's the case, I should have scored an invite. And I wouldn't have worn that.
Heidi Klum and Seal:
This couple is so good-looking that it's just unfair. And she's pregnant!!! Pretty far along, too!! Britney, my darling, take note. THIS is how you rock pregnancy.
(Photos courtesy of MSN Entertainment).
I love, love, LOVE JLD. I don't know if it's because she reminds me, in both looks and personality, of one of my best friends, or if it's just because she's just that cool. Nevertheless, she looked awesome at the Emmy's. Way to show Tinseltown you can get past Seinfeld.
Kathy Griffin:
I LOVE THIS BITCH. In fact, a little part of me hopes upon all hopes that we will run into each other when I am out in L.A., we will talk and laugh and immediately decide that we should be best friends, and we will call each other every day, and eventually, the Boyfriend and I will move out there to live in her in-law suite, where I will become her P.A., and the Boyfriend will become her personal financial analyst. I know it may sound farfetched, but it could happen. Dammit, it could happen!!! Love the dress, too. Yay, D-List!!
Katherine Heigl:
It is no secret whatsoever that (Thister's girlfriend) Katherine Heigl is unbelievably beautiful, and the Emmys red carpet only highlighted that fact. She is absolutely stunning in this dress, and honestly, I don't know if I've ever seen her look better. But I will say, because I'm bitchy that way, that the hair is a little severe, and she could've used a little more color on her lips. Otherwise, perfection!!!
Lorraine Bracco:
Wow... been putting away some carbs in between seasons of The Sopranos, huh, Dr. Melfi? Joining Tony and Carmela for a few pasta dinners, are we?
I'm sorry, that's really mean. But wow... that was unexpected. I actually didn't know that this was even Lorraine Bracco on the red carpet until someone said her name. I almost fell over. The dress is pretty nice, though...
(Photos courtesy of MSN Entertainment).
Now let me start this out by saying that I love Cheryl Hines. I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm faithfully, and I think she plays the perfect straight man to Larry David's over-the-top jackass. But this dress is unforgivable. Look closely -- there is a smiling voodoo-like face created by those beads. I had nightmares for days about that face. That's really why it took me so long to make this post. Now that I've written something about it, perhaps the healing can begin.
Eva Longoria:
Dear, sweet Jesus, Lord above -- WHY do I feel like we see this woman EVERYWHERE??? I am so sick of her stupid face. She needs to crawl back into the hole of oblivion from whence she came. And her dress sucks. Like the Fug girls said, it looks like Pac-Man is about to swallow her face.
Debra Messing:
Redhead + white dress (except for on wedding day) = NO. Otherwise, not bad.
Jeremy Piven:
More to come...
(Photos courtesy of MSN Entertainment).
"Awkward? Just a little bit?" Awww, Nick, way to handle a bad sitch. Good job. Proud of ya!
Pssst... Rihanna, did you learn NOTHING from the Ashlee Simpson SNL incident???
Girlfriend needs to learn to lip synch well if she is going to choose to do so on national television. My dog can lip synch "S.O.S." better than she can. But I'll grant her a reprieve because DAMN! Is that song catchy or what??? Plus, she's a big bitch. I'm pretty sure she could crush me.
What the hell was around Mischa Barton's neck???
Let me reminisce for a second. My mom used to have this porcelain clown doll with a white and black painted face that she kept in our spare bedroom. If I was ever in that room, I hid that freaking clown under the bed because it scared the shit out of me. The clown also had a big frilly collar around his neck, just like Mischa's. Sorry, Mischa. Under the bed you go.
No comment:
Who is this person again? I mean, I know it's Brooke Hogan, but why do we care about her dumb ass?
Best chemistry:
Truly. I know they were pre-recorded and all, but very cute.
J-Simp in the hizzy:
How far the mighty have fallen...
Britney cleaned up nicely. But holy boobies, Batman!!!! And I'm pretty sure I can see her private lady parts that I'm not meant to see peaking out from under her mini dress. And in the name of all that is holy, THROW OUT THE GUM!!!!!!!!!!!