Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


The Da Vinci Cult

Goddamned peer pressure. I have finally succumbed to the powers that be that tell me Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is a modern masterpiece of suspense. So, fine. I'm reading it.

And let me tell you something: I am a literary snob of the highest degree. I hate when I'm reading what everyone else and their pet monkey is reading. I loathe Oprah's book club and the fact that all she has to do is blink in a particular author's direction, and they become an instant millionaire. I think it's great that Oprah has gotten people interested in reading again. However, I have a problem with the cattle-like mindset of America's housewives who are worshipping at the altar of Oprah, and are only picking up these books because Oprah has deemed them worthy. When did all these people stop thinking for themselves???

But I digress.

The underlying point to my rant here is that I, too, caved to the media telling me everywhere I turned that "The Da Vinci Code" is the end-all, be-all, and that I might as well throw myself in front of a speeding bus if I don't read it or see the movie.

So I'm reading it. And I'll admit: it's pretty good. Is it the greatest thing since sliced bread? No. But it's keep my interest, so I guess that's good.

I suppose it could be worse. I could be reading "chick lit." Or worse, it could be something Oprah picked.


Update on An American Haunting

It SUCKS. Don't see it. I don't remember being this disappointed by a scary movie since Blair Witch 2. Obviously, I'm going to have to go rent Glitter if I want to be scared. That movie was horrifying.

Now I know why Rotten Tomatoes gave it such bad reviews... Maybe I should start listening to reviewers before I go to these things.


This weekend!

For your viewing pleasure...

The new scary movie, An American Haunting, is opening in theaters everywhere tomorrow. It is apparently based on the true story of the only recorded death caused by a spirit. Just from what I've seen from the previews, I may just shit myself watching this movie, but who knows? I'm just happy we're getting some more scary movies. There's never enough! I'll be sure to give my thoughts after I've seen it.

Speaking of scary movies, who has seen "Hostel"? I have avoided seeing it, because I have heard it's over the top gory, and frankly, I don't want to start barfing just from watching a movie. If you've seen it, tell me if you think I can handle it.


Beautiful iPod, ender of awkward conversations...

While doing an internet search for pictures of Molly Ringwald for my previous post, I stumbled across this fun blog: This Fish Needs a Bicycle. I've read through a few of her posts, but I especially liked "(Not) Waiting for Guillermo" -- mostly because I thought I was the only one who had random creepy guys want to come up and talk to me, even after I believe I've made it abundantly clear that I don't want to make a new stalker/friend.

I really like this girl's style of writing -- check it out if you get the chance.

And to all you creepy guys out there: When a girl essentially ignores you when you start talking to her, i.e. starts text messaging someone, turns up her iPod, spends most of the conversation looking over your head to see if someone can possibly save her, fingers her pepper spray and/or runs away screaming, STOP TALKING. These are all signs she is not interested. Take a hint.

The Triumphant Return of Molly Ringwald


Molly Ringwald is doing a guest spot on one of my most favorite shows, Medium. From what I've seen in the commercials, she plays some lady who is being stalked by some perv who likes to break into her house and kiss her. Saucy! Tune in tonight at 10pm EST.