Freak on a leash
What the shit is this about???

I was in the mall yesterday and I must've seen about 5 different parents leading their children around this way. I understand that this has been going on for awhile, and I've definitely seen it before, but it's disturbing to me how many people string their kids up this way, and it's seen as totally acceptable.
Make up your minds, people. You're either a parent or a pet owner.

I was in the mall yesterday and I must've seen about 5 different parents leading their children around this way. I understand that this has been going on for awhile, and I've definitely seen it before, but it's disturbing to me how many people string their kids up this way, and it's seen as totally acceptable.
Make up your minds, people. You're either a parent or a pet owner.
At 1:00 AM,
Thister said…
Here, here! I agree with you. To be far, though, my parents used to have one of those velcro wrist wrap attachments for me when I was a kid. It was simple and non-restricting and I could take it off if I wanted to. It wasn't a full flung harness and leash like the kind seen today.
Poor kids, it's no wonder they're so screwed up today.
At 8:51 PM,
Bree said…
When I was in Disneyland as a middleschooler, I saw a kid wearing one of these tied to a post outside the bathrooms (don't ask me why). He was just standing there, then all of a sudden started running as hard as he could. The elastic caught him and flung him backwards. He stood there for a minute, then tried it again.
It wasn't until I saw Phillip, the hyper-hypo, that I fully appreciated the humor of that situation! O_o
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