Catching up
I'm back! Did you miss me? The weekend was wonderful in the Poconos, and I seriously could not have asked for better weather. It was unbelievably gorgeous. I didn't do a whole lot -- read trashy magazines, ate my weight in food, hung out at the lake and slept -- a lot. But I loved every second of it!!
I came home and got my celebrity gossip fix -- what is UP with Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson splitting up??? I might be the only one, but I really kind of liked these two together in a hippie-esque-type way. Of course, she was only about 21 when they got married, but whatever. Sad. I would have much rather have seen a report that Katie Holmes and Crazy Tom Cruise broke up, but I guess we can't have it all.
Also, I saw all sorts of trailers this weekend for Snakes on a Plane, which just might turn out to be one of the funniest movies ever. And honestly? I know it sounds like a really stupid premise, and truly it is... but snakes loose on a plane? Holy baby Jesus in a handbasket. That would be terrifying.
Today I spent an inordinate amount of time watching drivel on VH-1 like Season 4 of the Surreal Life (I cannot WAIT for Season 7!!!), Awesomely Bad Freakouts, and 40 More Awesomely Bad Fashion Moments. Oh, and that reminds me: is anyone besides me watching "Flavor of Love 2"? This is reality TV at his trashy best. Love it!!!
I came home and got my celebrity gossip fix -- what is UP with Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson splitting up??? I might be the only one, but I really kind of liked these two together in a hippie-esque-type way. Of course, she was only about 21 when they got married, but whatever. Sad. I would have much rather have seen a report that Katie Holmes and Crazy Tom Cruise broke up, but I guess we can't have it all.
Also, I saw all sorts of trailers this weekend for Snakes on a Plane, which just might turn out to be one of the funniest movies ever. And honestly? I know it sounds like a really stupid premise, and truly it is... but snakes loose on a plane? Holy baby Jesus in a handbasket. That would be terrifying.
Today I spent an inordinate amount of time watching drivel on VH-1 like Season 4 of the Surreal Life (I cannot WAIT for Season 7!!!), Awesomely Bad Freakouts, and 40 More Awesomely Bad Fashion Moments. Oh, and that reminds me: is anyone besides me watching "Flavor of Love 2"? This is reality TV at his trashy best. Love it!!!
At 12:39 AM,
Thister said…
Hahah! I've been checking out VH1 in my spare time too. I haven't watched any of the new season of Flavor of Love, but I heard that some woman shat on the floor because she had to go? XD Is that true? If so, that's worse than when Pumkin spat on New York's face last season. It was an awesomely hilarious cat fight though!
At 11:54 AM,
RockSteady said…
Yes, that is absolutely true!! I couldn't believe it, and what I really can't believe is that she still made it through the second round of clocks from Flav!
At 3:17 PM,
Thister said…
WHAT!!! No way! That's utterly crazy! Looks like I need to partake in a little Flavor of Love to see some good ol' trashy tv.
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