Rambo: Fourth Blood

That's right, folks. Sylvester Stallone is digging up the old roles that made him famous in the first place, and now in addition to a new "Rocky," he's making a 4th "Rambo." Up next: the sequel to "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!"
Brooke Shields is pregnant with her second child. I think everyone is well aware by now of Shields' battle with post-partum depression from the book she wrote about it, and more notably from Tom Cruise's attack on her for using mood-altering drugs to remedy it. I can only imagine the things Tom Cruise will have to say. I'm also going to guess that her child and Tom Cruise's child with Katie Holmes won't be real tight.
Wow, really?
I never like to comment on anything of a political nature, but Harriet Miers' withdrawal of her Supreme Court nomination really surprised me. I guess they have something on her...
Clean Sweep

The Chicago White Sox won the title of World Series Champions last night, winning against the Houston Astros in a 1-0 finish. The Sox haven't won the title since 1917. An ex-boyfriend of mine was a huge White Sox fan, and I always respected him for sticking with a team that wasn't... well, good. He's finally seen his day. Congratulations, White Sox fans!
I'm Jonesin'...
For my birthday on Tuesday evening, my boyfriend and I will be dining at Jones, Stephen Starr's fabulous restaurant on 7th and Chestnut. This place is amazing. If you are ever in Philadelphia, I highly recommend eating there. They serve all comfort-type food there... mac & cheese, meat loaf, turkey dinner, mashed potatoes, pork chops, etc. Plus, the restaurant itself would remind you of a Brady Bunch-type place -- very retro, and most nights they have a DJ spinning old records of the best possible 70s and 80s music. I can't wait!!!
Lost Treasure
Nicolette Sheridan and her fiance have called off their engagement. Recently, they were featured in In Style magazine, and I was struck by how little intimacy there seemed to be between her and her fiance during the interview. It was more like they were acquaintences than people in love. But I just chalked it up to being in front of an interviewer. Nope, turns out they really weren't that into each other...
Did you know she used to date Michael Bolton? Good lord!!
Did you know she used to date Michael Bolton? Good lord!!
An ode to stuff on cars that makes me crazy...
After sitting in a crapload of traffic today, I decided to make a mental list of things on cars that make me absolutely insane. Now, mind you, this list is restricted only to stupid things on cars. I am well aware that there are plenty of stupid things happening in cars as well, but that's a (long) post for another day. Let's get started!
1) "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" window decals. I suppose I don't understand. But what makes you so sure I wouldn't understand? Perhaps I would, if you would explain what this mysterious "Jeep thing" was that you're referring to. I've driven a Jeep several times, too. This "Jeep thing" you speak of still alludes me. Since I've driven the Jeep, shouldn't I understand? You know what? You're right. I probably wouldn't understand.
2) The memorial decals. I've seen these EVERYWHERE! "In Loving Memory of John Smith" or "Always in Our Hearts" (and apparently, always in our cars). I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that 90% of the people who have memorials dedicated to them on the back of some beat-up Pinto didn't have that in mind for the way they wanted to be immortalized. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is one of the worst possible ways to remember a loved one. Note to friends and loved ones: should I die, DON'T do this to your cars. And don't do the t-shirt memorials, either. I've seen them, too, and they're equally frightening.
3) Bumper stickers -- but only certain ones. Don't get me wrong, I love a good, clever bumper sticker as much as the next guy, but there are some that I feel the need to speak out against. They are as follows:
1) "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" window decals. I suppose I don't understand. But what makes you so sure I wouldn't understand? Perhaps I would, if you would explain what this mysterious "Jeep thing" was that you're referring to. I've driven a Jeep several times, too. This "Jeep thing" you speak of still alludes me. Since I've driven the Jeep, shouldn't I understand? You know what? You're right. I probably wouldn't understand.
2) The memorial decals. I've seen these EVERYWHERE! "In Loving Memory of John Smith" or "Always in Our Hearts" (and apparently, always in our cars). I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that 90% of the people who have memorials dedicated to them on the back of some beat-up Pinto didn't have that in mind for the way they wanted to be immortalized. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is one of the worst possible ways to remember a loved one. Note to friends and loved ones: should I die, DON'T do this to your cars. And don't do the t-shirt memorials, either. I've seen them, too, and they're equally frightening.
3) Bumper stickers -- but only certain ones. Don't get me wrong, I love a good, clever bumper sticker as much as the next guy, but there are some that I feel the need to speak out against. They are as follows:
A) Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers: OK, I hate to be the one to tell y'all this, but George W. Bush won this last election. Seriously. They're not going to change their minds and do a re-count now. It's over, and it's time to let it go already. Time to whip out the goo-gone and take those suckers off.
B) Pro-Life stickers: I am all for people's freedom of speech, and also their freedom the choose. The choosing part, I know, also includes choosing life. But you know what? I don't need to hear about it when I'm driving to work. Have you seen some of these stickers? They are out of control!!!!
C) "Git 'R' Done": Can someone please, for the love of God, please explain this redneck expression to me, and why I have to see it on every blessed pick-up truck I see? All they need are a nice pair of bumper nuts* to go with it... Perhaps it's like a Jeep thing, and I just don't understand.
*I have yet to see bumper nuts on a vehicle. But as you can see from the link, they are in fact real. My boyfriend informs me he's seen them, as have others.
4) Spinners: Why do your rims need to spin? It's not cool, it's a stupid waste of money. Idiot.
5) Neon-rimmed license plates and what I can only refer to as glow sticks underneath the car: Point?
6) Spoilers: I'm not even referring to all spoilers. The small ones don't bother me. I'm just talking about the ones that make your Honda Civic look like a shopping cart.
That's all that comes to mind right now... you guys have any?
Comedy Central
I feel kind of bad (but not really) that it's taken me so long to get around to mentioning these, but there are 2 new shows on Comedy Central that I'm totally hooked on: The Colbert Report ("It's French, bitches"), and The Showbiz Show with David Spade. I've heard a lot of buzz on other websites that The Showbiz Show is just mean and unnecessary... and I'm confused by those comments. Hasn't David Spade always skewered people in Hollywood?? Doesn't anyone remember Hollywood Minute on SNL? I guess I just don't understand why it's now very upsetting... My only complaint about it is that it's a Hollywood-centric rip-off of The Daily Show, but who cares? I can always use more of The Daily Show in my life.
A word of advice to David Spade, though: lose the weather/celebrity report. It was funny for a hot minute. Lame.
A word of advice to David Spade, though: lose the weather/celebrity report. It was funny for a hot minute. Lame.
Atlas Shrugged
I had to link to Assistant Atlas, a fellow blogger over at Query Letters I Love. I haven't seen his name on any posts lately, and alas, I've missed him. Check out his blog of his adventures as THE Hollywood assistant... it's hilarious.
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

My boyfriend and I rented Batman Begins last night. I have to say, I was really impressed. My boyfriend had seen it in the theater and raved about it. But let's face it... he's a boy. I wasn't so sure I'd like it, and I wasn't so psyched to deal with Katie Holmes and her lip-biting. However, it was a pleasant surprise, and I was hooked throughout the entire film. Also, my love for Christian Bale is renewed. He is an excellent brooder.
Ashton Kutcher is producing a sitcom pilot loosely based on his relationship with Demi Moore. Is this because we don't see and hear enough about them already? Oh joy!
Don't call it a comeback.
Apparently, the world needs another "Rocky." Sylvester Stallone has signed on for the 6th installment of the "Rocky" series, which finds Rocky coming out of retirement for one last fight.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this really isn't necessary. How OLD is Rocky supposed to be now???
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this really isn't necessary. How OLD is Rocky supposed to be now???

I've found that I'm absolutely hooked on HBO's new comedy series, Extras, which airs every Sunday following Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's written and directed by Ricky Gervais, whom you may remember was the bright chap who came up with the original BBC version of The Office. If you haven't watched this show, you must. Critics are enjoying it as well, so hopefully HBO will continue with it. I don't want them to disappoint me again, like they did when they cancelled Carnivale...
Blossom's baby
Mayim Bialik and her husband had a healthy baby boy on Tuesday! You may remember Bialik from her stint as "Blossom" in the 90s, or as the young Bette Midler in Beaches. And I have to say, I feel bad: about two weeks ago, she guest-starred on "Curb Your Enthusiasm." I couldn't get over how... big she was. Now I realize that it was baby weight. My bad, Blossom.
"Elizabethtown" gets burned
John Hartl, the film critic for MSNBC, apparently really hated Cameron Crowe's new movie, Elizabethtown. Honestly, I can't say I've been dying to see it -- it doesn't really seem like it's about anything. But Kirsten Dunst is cute and fun, and Orlando Bloom would be all right if he would only get rid of that stupid 'stache. According to Johnny Boy, though, nothing can save this film -- read his scathing review here.

As in, we get it. Demi and Ashton are married. OK! magazine hit the newsstands today with exclusive photos of the couple on their wedding day, and apparently that's all the world can talk about. I really tried to avoid posting any more about these two, because I'm just... so... over it!! I'm over them. I don't begrudge their happiness, I don't care that they're a May-December romance, I don't care that her kids are old enough to date Ashton, I'm just sick of hearing about it. So she's older than him... so what? I'm maxed out on these two. However, I can't resist: Nice hat, Ashton. Yikes. (Click on above link to see what I'm talking about).
In a somewhat related rant, can you believe that "That 70's Show" is still on the air and cranking out new episodes? Is that really necessary? Does anyone watch it anymore?
Why not another baby?
Something's in the water out in Hollywood... Woody Harrelson told David Letterman last night that he and his wife are expecting their third child. The couple has two daughters.
More babies!!
Jon Stewart announced on Letterman last week that he and his wife Tracey are having their second child in February. They are expecting a girl. The couple has a 15-month old son, Nathan Thomas. (Imagine -- a celebrity who gave their child a normal name!) I love Jon Stewart -- I'm happy that he has this cute little family. It really adds to his appeal.
Who's your daddy?
According to the London Sun, Jack White and his wife, Karen Elson, are expecting a baby. I wonder if Jack will delve into writing any lullabies...
Kiss my ass!

Love this picture of Charlize Theron and Dane Cook on Jay Leno on October 4th. That was probably the best night of Dane Cook's life. (msn.com)
This man does drugs???

I just don't believe that police really found drugs at the home of Boy George. It just can't be true. He seems so normal...
In other, completely unrelated news, I am SICK. You gotta love that first cold/flu/whatever of the season. My throat hurts, I'm coughing, I have a fever... I'm a disaster. Here's hoping I don't have that Avian flu that I'm hearing so much about on the news lately... that sounds like it really sucks. That whole death thing's a bitch.

Benjamin-Hottest-Man-On-Earth-Bratt and his wife Talisa Soto welcomed a new baby Monday. Mateo Bravery Bratt weighed in 7 lbs. 7 oz., and everyone is reportedly doing fine. This is Bratt and Soto's second child. Their daughter, Sophia Rosalinda, will turn 3 this December.
OK, I don't really care about the baby news... is this man good-looking, or what?
Never Keeping Secrets -- just divorcing.
Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds and his wife Kerry have decided to separate after 13 years of marriage. I actually find this bust-up pretty sad. As celebrities, that's about as long as a marriage gets!
Lindsay's wrecked.
Lindsay Lohan got into a pretty good accident yesterday, rear-ending a van in Mercedes convertible. It was originally reported that it was the fault of paparazzi (those poor guys... they get such a bad rep), but it turns out that it's not. Just your regular, everyday fender bender that just happens to involve Miss Lohan. Sorry about your car, though, man... that sucks.
Knocked up!

What a day!! People Weekly broke the story today that Tom Cruise and "Kate" Holmes-almost-Cruise are expecting a baby. Let the conspiracy theories begin!
DONE (as if you couldn't already guess)
UPDATE, 11pm: Just. Kidding. Turns out, they're denying the rumors again. But if it means anything (and I'm sure it doesn't), I still think they're finished. I'm just sayin'...

US Weekly broke the story that we knew was gonna come: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are officially OVER. And it's all Jess' fault! Apparently, her diva-like behavior, her chill-inducing (and not in a good way) dad, and her fondness of the bottle sent Nick packing. (Via Gawker).

US Weekly broke the story that we knew was gonna come: Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are officially OVER. And it's all Jess' fault! Apparently, her diva-like behavior, her chill-inducing (and not in a good way) dad, and her fondness of the bottle sent Nick packing. (Via Gawker).
The latest on the ol' CD playa...

I have to say, I'm happy with all three of these. The Sheryl Crow disc took a few plays to get used to it, but I've found my favorites on there. Liz Phair, I'm happy to report, has returned to more of her original roots, after she got a little popped out on her self-titled disc. And Neil Young... really, how can you go wrong?
New trend?
So my boyfriend and I went to see Pearl Jam play at the Wachovia Center, and they were amazing... seriously, one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I don't think I've ever been to a show where the crowd was so amped for the entire duration of the show. It was so incredibly LOUD -- and not even from the music, but from the roar of the crowd. My ears are still ringing today. Yes, I am old.
Seriously, perhaps I am old. And bordering on unhip. Is wearing concert tees TO the actual concert now considered cool? Back in the day, you were so geeked out if you wore the t-shirt of the band you were going to see play, or if you bought one at the concert and immediately put it on. Is this not the case now? Someone needs to inform me so I can cling to my youth for just a bit longer.
Seriously, perhaps I am old. And bordering on unhip. Is wearing concert tees TO the actual concert now considered cool? Back in the day, you were so geeked out if you wore the t-shirt of the band you were going to see play, or if you bought one at the concert and immediately put it on. Is this not the case now? Someone needs to inform me so I can cling to my youth for just a bit longer.
You MUST see this...
Much love to Trent over at Pink is the New Blog for sharing this with the world (via a reader named Jessica), which I will now share with you.
Behold!! An ode to Britney's baby dad, K-Fed... This is hilarious, and you will need to turn the sound up.
Behold!! An ode to Britney's baby dad, K-Fed... This is hilarious, and you will need to turn the sound up.

Nicolas Cage and his child-bride, Alice Kim, have announced the birth of their son today in New York City.
Let's hope Alice goes back to looking cute and smiley now. The last few pictures I've seen of her while she was pregnant, she looked miserable. Then again, being massively pregnant at 21 will do that to you, I guess...
We'll always have Paris...

Surprise, surprise... the wedding between Paris Hilton and Paris Latsis is OFF. I have to give them credit -- at least they didn't do the whole Renee/Kenny, Chad Michael/Sophia thing. So a tip of the hat to you, Parises. Now I am chomping at the bit to see Girl Paris whooping it up with Tara Reid and Co. again. Paparazzi, start your engines!!!