"I see you still look like a 15-year-old girl, but not hot."
The fiancee and I went to see Blades of Glory last night, because Will Ferrell is hilarious and should be worshiped as a god. And I think Jon Heder's actually pretty funny, too.

However, this one just warrants an "Ehhh." There were some funny parts, but if you've seen any of the commercials for this movie, you've seen most of them. Kinda disappointing.
You know what's NOT disappointing, though???? The fact that Nine Inch Nails is coming out with "Year Zero" on Tuesday, April 17th. THAT, my friend, is the direct opposite of disappointing! Trent Reznor's the effing man.
Captain Obvious
So after the Fiancee and I had bellied up to the bar last night, the local Fox news weather report came on the TV. As you may or may not know, our area is being deluged with rain with an off-season Nor'easter, and the dimwits down at Fox decided to give the public some "tips" in the case we should find ourselves amidst some major flooding.
Obvious Tip #1: Get to the highest point. (Duh, but OK).
Obvious Tip #2: Keep yourself facing the deepest point of the water. (Duh, but some people are stupid, so OK).
Obvious, and most important, Tip #3: DON'T DROWN.
I really wish I was making this up. But I swear on all that is holy, it is true. It was even printed across the screen, so it's not like it was even a chance I misheard him.
Mediocrity, thy name is Fox Philadelphia.
Obvious Tip #1: Get to the highest point. (Duh, but OK).
Obvious Tip #2: Keep yourself facing the deepest point of the water. (Duh, but some people are stupid, so OK).
Obvious, and most important, Tip #3: DON'T DROWN.
I really wish I was making this up. But I swear on all that is holy, it is true. It was even printed across the screen, so it's not like it was even a chance I misheard him.
Mediocrity, thy name is Fox Philadelphia.
"Like the Blind Leading the Tone-Deaf"
I'll admit it: I'm a not-so-closeted fan of "American Idol." It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but it is what it is. And despite my distaste for one Ms. Jennifer Lopez, I still tuned in last night to watch her live performance on the show. And if I may, I'll use the words of Mr. Simon Cowell in review of her performance: I didn't hate it. Don't take that to mean that it was necessarily good... I'm just saying I didn't hate it.
That being said, Rolling Stone posted a little blip today about her performing on the show, and how it's absolutely hilarious how someone like Jennifer Lopez, who really can't sing worth a damn, was giving singing advice to Idol hopefuls. Gotta love it.
On another note entirely: thank god America finally came to their senses about Haley "Is this a pageant??" Scarnato. Now if we could just on-board everyone with getting rid of Sanjaya "Teflon" Malakar.

On another note entirely: thank god America finally came to their senses about Haley "Is this a pageant??" Scarnato. Now if we could just on-board everyone with getting rid of Sanjaya "Teflon" Malakar.
We lost one of the great American novelists today: Kurt Vonnegut. He died today at the age of 84.

Vonnegut was an amazing influence on literature, and I could wax poetic for ages about his works. But I'll just let a quote from Gore Vidal sum it all up: "He was sort of like nobody else... Kurt was never dull." Rest in peace, Kurt.
(Photo courtesy of rollingstone.com).
Keith Richards is NO JOKE.
Someone went ahead and asked Keith Richards what the strangest thing he ever tried to snort, and he came up with this gem: "My father." Turns out that Richards mashed his father's cremated remains in with some blow and took a sniff.
I think the phrase you're searching for right now is: "Holy shit."
And yet... I still love him.

And yet... I still love him.
This is what glamorous looks like.
First of all, I'd like to announce that this picture brings me that much closer to proving that Fergie is, in fact, a man:
Secondly, it reminds me of when I was about 7 years old and I "borrowed" my older sister's lipstick that was about the same color and tried it out. My mom then piled me and my brother into the car to take us somewhere, and my brother made fun of me the whole way over because, by his terminology, I had "circus lips." Then I cried, my mom made me wipe it off, and then I cried some more. Good times.
(Photo courtesy of The Superficial.)

(Photo courtesy of The Superficial.)
TV junkie
With only a few weeks left to go before the completion of my winter hibernation, I've been watching an inordinate amount of TV. Dirt, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, Man vs. Wild and Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe take up most of my time, and I am, to some degree, obsessive about each one of them. But a couple of new ones have popped up on the radar that I feel we should discuss.
The Riches:
Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver are the headliners in FX's newest TV drama that premiered tonight. I think this show has a lot of potential, although I wasn't bowled over by tonight's episode (although the opening scene was terrific). However, I read a review in the paper that said this show doesn't really hit its stride until about the 3rd episode, so we'll give it some time. Again, though: FX is bringing the heat!
The Sarah Silverman Program:
The Riches:

The Sarah Silverman Program:
OK, so I know I'm a day late and a dollar short on this one, but I am just catching up with all the episodes on Comedy Central, and I am completely hooked. I think Sarah Silverman is one of the funniest comedians out there right now, and her show is absolutely hilarious. It's so off-beat and wrong on so many levels... just the way I like it!!! This is definitely one of those shows I will need to buy on DVD when it comes out. Sample quote, just to give you an idea of what you'll be getting into: "I stubbed my vagina."
Dirt tomorrow!