Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


Music to rock your socks off, take 2.

Well, color me embarrassed. Bree (bless her heart, for where would I be without her??) pointed out the most obvious and exciting recent release that I completely failed to mention -- Bob Dylan. We'll get to that. But while I was wallowing in my shame for having forgotten Bob, my personal lord and savior, I also realized I had overlooked another good disc that I picked up recently by Snow Patrol, called Eyes Open:
This was actually released in May, but I'm just getting around to it now. Get off my back. Geez. Anyway, I picked it up before every single radio station in America decided to play "Chasing Cars" 23,000 times a day (which is, nonetheless, still my favorite song on the entire CD), and I haven't been disappointed. It's pretty darn good. There, I said it.

Now, onto the Big Guy, one of the greatest musicians of our lifetime, Mr. Bob Dylan:

His Bobness just released Modern Times, which is truly one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, CDs of 2006. I can't even pick my favorite songs, because I love them all. So, in truth, the Black Keys and Bob Dylan have been equally duking it out in my CD player. The man's a freaking genius. Enough said.

But thanks, Bree, for calling me out, because really. I mean... really.


  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    LMAO!! God love ya for that.

    The Snow Patrol record is really good to. I like the last track with Martha Wainwright (Set fire to the third bar? I can't remember the wording) quite a bit. Awesome addition! :D


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