Donna Martin graduates!
I hate to even admit this. It goes against everything I have ever stood for in my life, but yet it cannot be denied: I like Tori Spelling's new show on VH1.

Against my better judgment, I tuned in for the first two episodes of "So NoTORIous" last night, and found it smart and funny and I found (sweet lord almighty) Tori Spelling to be somewhat adorable. Sure, it has some cheesy writing. But I thought for the first couple of episodes, it had a lot of potential. It's possible I may be hooked. I might have to go get TiVo so I can watch both that AND Grey's Anatomy on Sunday nights.
Speaking of which, I was a little disappointed in Grey's Anatomy last night, if we're going to be honest. I actually thought Alex had one of the best storylines of the night, which he too often doesn't. And Laurie Metcalf as his dying patient was indescribably good. She made me cry. I thought the storyline about Meredith and her father was kind of... far-fetched and straining for emotion. But I thought that what George said to her father about her was so sweet and so real. And George's story ended up having a great ending to it, when he made a move with Cally. And Cristina kicked ASS at the end of the episode, walking around naked to get George out of the apartment. Brilliant! I absolutely am in girl-love with her character. So I guess, in retrospect, it wasn't a bad episode. But definitely not one of the best. However, if I continue to find such joy in "So NoTORIous," I may have some scheduling conflicts. What to do, what to do...

Against my better judgment, I tuned in for the first two episodes of "So NoTORIous" last night, and found it smart and funny and I found (sweet lord almighty) Tori Spelling to be somewhat adorable. Sure, it has some cheesy writing. But I thought for the first couple of episodes, it had a lot of potential. It's possible I may be hooked. I might have to go get TiVo so I can watch both that AND Grey's Anatomy on Sunday nights.
Speaking of which, I was a little disappointed in Grey's Anatomy last night, if we're going to be honest. I actually thought Alex had one of the best storylines of the night, which he too often doesn't. And Laurie Metcalf as his dying patient was indescribably good. She made me cry. I thought the storyline about Meredith and her father was kind of... far-fetched and straining for emotion. But I thought that what George said to her father about her was so sweet and so real. And George's story ended up having a great ending to it, when he made a move with Cally. And Cristina kicked ASS at the end of the episode, walking around naked to get George out of the apartment. Brilliant! I absolutely am in girl-love with her character. So I guess, in retrospect, it wasn't a bad episode. But definitely not one of the best. However, if I continue to find such joy in "So NoTORIous," I may have some scheduling conflicts. What to do, what to do...
At 6:11 PM,
Bree said…
You're not alone on this...I watched the encore of So NoTORIous just this afternoon and totally fell in love with it. The scene where she's having lunch with her two friends and Paris Hilton walks in...and they're all "Ugh, her blonde hair and her rich father and dressing her dog up in designer outfits" and Tori's like "HELLO" damn near made me fall out of my chair. Good thing I don't watch Grey's Anatomy, so I lack your dilemma. XD
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