Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


"I have a very fulfilling life!"

The boyfriend and I went to Borders yesterday to look for some CDs... instead of finding what I was looking for, I found the 40-Year-Old Virgin in the flesh... and trying to pick me up.

Virgin: Can I ask your opinion on something?
me: (looking over his shoulder to see if the boyfriend is in sight) Ummm... I guess...
Virgin: I'm looking for a CD for my brother for his birthday, and he used to be into the Dead. Any suggestions for something more modern?
me: Well... I would go with Phish.
Virgin: He doesn't like Phish. He thinks they ripped off the Dead. Now he likes Tony Bennett, if you can believe that.
me: Hmm... yeah, I don't know. I can't think of anything for a Dead/Tony Bennett transition.
Virgin: Are you a musician?
me: Me? No.
Virgin: Well, you could've fooled me. You look like one.
me: Oh. Thanks.
Virgin: I'm a musician. I compose some things for the local theater shows.
me: Oh, cool.
Virgin: What music are you looking for?
me: Oh, just a CD that they don't have.
Virgin: Well, what music do you listen to? Maybe I could get that for my brother.
me: Listen... my boyfriend is a big Dead fan... why don't I ask him for his opinion?
Virgin: Oh... uh, OK. Well, I'll be in the cafe if you want to meet me there.
me: Right.

Then he actually winked at me as he was walking away!!! Oh, my god, I get skeeved out just thinking about it. So I ran over to the boyfriend to relay all this to him. His response? "Do you want me to beat him up?" Um, no. Sweet, but no. I explained his uncanny likeness to the 40-Year-Old Virgin, and the boyfriend started laughing.

Do you think that actually works for this guy? I was so weirded out, I just wanted to run away!


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