Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


Late night smut

I stayed up really, really late last night watching some bad TV for reasons I can't explain today. During every single commercial break, I was bombarded with 5-minute long ads for Girls Gone Wild: Co-Ed Tryouts, each one being more informative than the next. For instance... were you all aware that there is a Girls Gone Wild Island? I, for one, was not privy to this information prior to this commercial. For those of you who have been in the dark as I have, there is an island where young, slutty, college co-eds get naked and make out with each other in between partaking in an obstacle course in their underwear. Then they'll take turns running to the camera, grinning and shaking their tits for all the world to see; parents, future jobs and self-respect be damned.

I was struck by how exceptionally beautiful most of these girls were in the clips they showed in the mini-porno/infomercial. (Pornomercial?) Are there really that many pretty girls out there with such low self-esteem? I mean, they can't really expect to become famous from doing Girls Gone Wild, right? It's not like Gwyneth Paltrow or Hilary Swank or Reese Witherspoon started out that way. I'd almost feel sorry for them if I wasn't totally disgusted.

I know I shouldn't judge what other people do with themselves, but I just can't help but imagine how these videos will come back to haunt these girls later on in life. We all do stupid stuff, but... have Scott Stapp and Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton taught you nothing??? Be stupid, be crazy, be naked if you must -- but don't videotape it.

(Sigh)... Kids these days...


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