Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


Welcome to Thunderdome, Bitch.

The boyfriend and I rented Waiting... last night.

I wasn't really sure what to expect of this one. It was in and out of the theaters, and I hadn't really heard much about it. A few of the boyfriend's friends from work had rented it and said it was really funny, but you just never know. Don't get me wrong -- I wasn't expecting some cinematic masterpiece or anything. But I've worked in restaurants in the past, as have many of my friends, and let's face it: it sucks. I would rather set myself on fire than to wait tables again. I'm not kidding. So I figured that some of the humor would be pretty good if they could get it right.

It was hilarious!! I know not everyone will agree, because a lot of it is immature, gross-out humor. We laughed from start to finish, though. It doesn't have much of a plot, but who cares. It's more like a day-in-the-life type story. I thought it was great. I highly recommend it to anyone who has ever suffered through a waitressing job before.


  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    My best friend and I rented "Waiting..." a couple weekends ago (he's worked in fast food in the past), and we both just died! The movie was so funny, and it made me extra thankful that I'm always nice to wait staff. I'm glad someone else enjoyed it, too.

    On a random side, did you know the blonde tall guy (I think his character name is Randy?) is dating Alanis Morrissette? That's what I heard...I guess he's like 35 or something... lolz

  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger RockSteady said…

    Yes! They're actually engaged. It seems like such a bizarre couple, but that's cool. I think he's hot!


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