My two cents: Fashion edition

UGGS (Or any knock-off): I just don't get this trend. I understand that they're very warm, and that somehow, they also keep your feet really cool in the summer. I don't get the logistics of that last part, but I'm not going to spend a lot of time thinking about it. I'll go as far as being all right with them on a snowy day. BUT. These boots are ugly, make no mistake about it. They make your feet look like boats, and worn with anything but a snowsuit, they look positively ridiculous. If I see one more girl walking around the mall in a mini skirt, a tank top and these boots right now, in the middle of February, when there is SNOW ON THE GROUND, talking about "My whole body is so warm, just because of these boots. I could be naked with only these boots on, and I'd be as snug as a bug," I am just going to snap. I don't believe you, not for a second. Take off those godawful boots and put on some damn clothes.
Bermuda shorts: First of all, I'm just not a big shorts girl. But if you're going to wear shorts... you know, wear shorts. These pictured above? Not shorts. They're half-pants. I'm glad to see we're moving away from the trend that was shorts that were basically underwear, because there were many, many times I saw girls in Daisy Duke-type shorts and saw parts of their anatomy that I don't believe they necessarily meant for the outside world to see. So that part is a good thing. But maybe we could find a halfway point? Literally? I'd also like to add the Fug girls' thoughts on shorts in general, just because I totally love those bitches: "You know how aggravated we are that when we went shopping for skirts on Saturday, we couldn't find any, because apparently shorts are the new skirts and nobody's bothering to make clothes any more for people who don't want each thigh to be encased in its very own fabric tube (unless they are boho skirts, and that simply won't do at all)."
I Dream of Jeannie: I don't even know what the hell these are. Unless you live in a bottle, these pants are right for no one.
Cowboy boots: Reincarnated thanks to movies such as Brokeback Mountain and the cinematic masterpiece that was The Dukes of Hazzard, these boots are on the front table of literally every single shoe store or shoe department I've been in for the last six months. The only thing that makes me feel better is the chuckle I have thinking about the people who will pull these boots out of the bottom of their closets next year and curse themselves for having blown $200 on a fad that lasted a hot minute.
This entire outfit, but especially the leggings: I totally hold Sienna Miller fully responsible for this legging trend. It is everywhere I look, and now the big thing I see are the leggings worn under mini skirts (and usually accompanied by a pair of horrible Ugg boots). There is a reason why we did away with the leggings the first time around. They show every single flaw your lower half is even thinking about having. Oh, and two words: Yeast infection. Sorry to be crass, but you know it's true.
Gaucho pants: Show me one woman who doesn't get a cameltoe while wearing these. Just one. I dare you. You can't do it, can you??
In closing, I leave you with these final thoughts: I experienced 80s fashion when it actually was the 80s. Those clothes were unflattering, unappealing, and flat-out unkind. Just leave them be, I beg of you. They're really not worthy of a second chance. And if I see shoulder pads ANYWHERE, I am moving to a nudist colony, and not looking back.
(Photos courtesy of Victoria's Secret).
At 10:05 PM,
Claire said…
I agree with every word you just wrote. The worst part? I'm just 18. :)
PS: Found your blog via Las Fashionistas.
At 10:05 PM,
linnea said…
Oh my goodness! Your comments made me smile, and even laugh at times! I like your thoughts alot (and they aren't outdated - - I'm 17, I agree with you!)
The comments on gaucho pants and ugg boots really made me laugh out loud!!
(I got the link to your site from your comment on the Las Fashionista's site)
At 11:46 AM,
none said…
You voiced exactly what I've been thinking about recent fashion trends. They're ugly, they're too 80s inspired, and they only work on model body types. I will admit to owning Ugg knock-offs, btu only b/c they were on sale for $15 and that's all the store had in the way of snow boots in Boston in mid-winter... and I only wear them in the SNOW. They're for function, not fashion. And I hate seeing all of the little teenyboppers wearing Uggs with mini skirts. It makes NO SENSE.
At 12:14 PM,
Bree said…
Another drifter from Las Fashionistas...I laughed outright at the Gaucho paragraph because I've had the SAME FEELINGS since the Gauchos were re-introduced.
I would like to point out (and many will disagree with me, I'm sure) the knee-high boots over leggings and/or jeans is a trend that could be added to your post. Maybe it's just me, but leggings and boots are fine IF you plan on competing in an equestrian jumping event sometime that day. People wandering around the mall? Not so much. lol!
Loved the entry!
At 9:55 AM,
Wide Lawns said…
Yuck, I wont look good in any of these things, and none of them would be appropriate for anyone to wear to work, unless they worked at the mall. Great post!
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