Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


These ain't your momma's figurines!

My sister and I ventured into Value City today to see if we could find some home decor items for low, low prices. I'd link you to their website, but their website is just a blank, white page. Not very informative. Anyway, they were selling a disturbing amount of these little figurines of policemen and rescue workers in different lines of duty on the job. There were some firing guns and rifles, some bringing oxygen in the white protective suits, some guiding children by a vicious dog behind a fence, and then there was a large one of three soldiers dressed in camo holding a gigantic (I promise you) missile launcher. I almost bought one for my boyfriend, just because I know he would think they were funny, but then I was concerned... are people really buying these in seriousness? The thought troubled me to the point that I had to walk away and find something else to look at.

On a totally different note, I found this blog today, and I found that I really enjoyed it.


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