Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.



The Academy Award nominations were announced today. I am particularly pleased with the nominations for Scorsese for The Aviator for Director, Leonardo DiCaprio for The Aviator for Best Actor (although I'm really torn... I haven't yet seen Ray!, but I've heard that Jamie Foxx was amazing in it, and I just think he's adorable anyway after his Golden Globes speech), The Incredibles for Best Animated Film, and of course, Charlie Kauffman for writing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The man's a genius. A mad genius, but a genius no less. I named my cat for him, for Christ's sake.

I really don't have a pick for Best Actress for this year. It really hasn't been a year for strong roles for women, if you think about it. I guess, of the nominees, Hilary Swank most deserves it. Then again, I've heard Annette Bening is wonderful in Being Julia. AND she lost to Hilary Swank the last time they were both up for Oscar, so really, she should win so it's fair. Last time, of the two, Annette Bening really should've won. Don't get me wrong, Hilary Swank was really great in Boys Don't Cry, but Annette Bening hit a homerun with American Beauty. She was robbed.


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