Rock Steady Vibe

Something to do on my days off, basically.


Oprah, Dave. Dave, Oprah.

Oprah Winfrey appeared on Dave Letterman's show last night for the first time in 16 years, ending what the media has portrayed to be some sort of feud between them. This is what I personally took away from the long-awaited event:

1) Dave kissed her butt the entire time (which I guess is to be expected).

2) Oprah REALLY likes herself, and loves to tell you how great she is. But in case you forgot, she grew up poor. Really poor.

3) Oprah was completely awkward on the show. You could tell she was very uncomfortable being there.

4) Her appearance was a snoozefest. There were quite a few times where I considered changing the channel.

This is what we waited 16 years for??

AP Photo


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